Kenangan adalah usia kedua dari seorang manusia...

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

My Boss My Hero

10 eps


Nagase Tomoya as Sakaki Makio
Tegoshi Yuya as Sakurakoji Jun
Tanaka Koki as Manabe Kazuya
Aragaki Yui as Umemura Hikari
Murakawa Eri as Hagiwara Saki
Kikawada Masaya as Sakaki Mikio

Sakaki Makio, also known as "Tornado" is a tough 27-year-old high school drop-out. By academic standards, he's pretty dumb. His father decides to force Makio to return to high school to receive his diploma and he asks an old friend who happens to be the principal of a nearby school to admit Makio. If Makio doesn't graduate, the position of boss will be given to his younger brother, Mikio.

Furthermore, he must pose as a 17-year-old during school hours and in the presence of any classmates or teachers outside of school. If his cover is blown, it would be the end of his high school career as well as his hopes to become boss. Things start out rough and tough as Makio's violent temper is tested. As the lessons and days go by he learns there is much more to school than just tests and studying.

Entah memang perannya seperti itu atau gimana, tapi menurutku actingnya Yuya kaku. gimana gitu ngeliatnya. Kalau Yui ngga ragu lagi lah ya. Apalagi Om Nagase, udah no comment lah.

Akhirnya jelas sudah yang namanya Tanaka Koki. Terakhir liat dia di Kowai Nichiyoubi dimana dia masih sangat-sangat sangat imut, dan begitu ngeliat disini Wooooo beda sekali. Aku sudah tidak mengenalinya lagi. hehe, ilang imutnya, serem jatohnya.:D

Dorama ini lucu, tapi bosen nontonnya. haha, (jadi gimana nih maksudnya?)
kalau pas lagi lucu ya lumayan bikin ketawa lah, tapi kalau ngga pas lagi lucu ngga tau kenapa maleeesss banget nontonnya. Tanya kenapa? *sayasudahtaujawabnnya :D

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